為慶祝愛丁堡公爵100年傳奇,國際青年獎勵計劃在全球各地選出100位卓越義工,頒發與英國皇家鑄幣廠共同發行的限量紀念幣,表揚他們為獎勵計劃的付出。其中,黃錦怡先生是唯一一位獲獎的香港義工,他現為AYP事務委員會委員及野外鍛鍊科評核員,同時在過去 50 年一直為AYP擔任義工,幫助無數AYP參加者完成章級旅程。 黃Sir很喜歡行山,其中一位志同道合的同事是獎勵計劃的義工,便介紹黃Sir加入義工行列。自此,黃Sir便與AYP結下不解之緣。他表示成為AYP義工最大的收穫是導師和學員之間的關係,他說:「行山時大家一起想辦法解決問題。透過溝通,我和學員之間更加了解彼此,友誼也變得更加牢固。我和不少學員仍然有定期聚會、互相通訊。能夠見證學員參加獎勵計劃後的轉變和成長,付出的時間都是值得的。 」 提到今次得獎,謙虛的黃Sir表示背後獲得很多朋友的鼓勵,特別是家人數十載的支持。他說:「很多AYP義工花盡精神和時間,不求回報,只為幫助青年人。我亦感謝很多社會賢達的支持,以及AYP員工的付出,這個獎項是大家共同努力的成果。」 再次恭喜他成為全球100位卓越義工之一。讓我們一起攜手努力,讓AYP更進一步! To celebrate the legacy of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award had chosen 100 inspirational and deserving volunteers around the world and awarded them with an official commemorative coin donated by The Royal Mint for recognising their dedication to the Award. Mr. Wong Kam Yee, currently an active Operations Committee Member and Expeditions Section Assessor, is the only volunteer in Hong Kong who received the recognition. He has given exceptional volunteer service to AYP in the past 50 years and helped numerous AYP participants to complete Award journey. Wong Sir is passionate about hiking. His former colleague, a volunteer of the Award referred Wong Sir to join and his volunteer story in AYP began. Wong Sir considered that the biggest reward was the relationship between instructors and participants. “We need to work together to solve problems and learn more about each other. We build close relationship and still message each other and catch up sometimes. The time I devoted was worth it when I could witness the growth of youngsters after joining AYP,” he said. Wong Sir also expressed that his achievement was supported by his family, fellows and friends. “Volunteers devoted times and efforts without asking for return. I need to thank for the contribution of community leaders and colleagues of Award Office too. This recognition is the fruit of the concerted efforts of different parties,” he concluded. Congratulations to Wong Sir for receiving the recognition. Let us work together and make AYP a brighter future! |