第100屆銀章頒獎典禮 香港青年獎勵計劃第100屆銀章頒獎典禮於2022年9月19日假棉紡會中學圓滿舉行。是次頒獎典禮邀請到政務司司長陳國基先生,GBS, IDSM, JP 作主禮嘉賓,並與獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、獎勵計劃理事會副主席彭穎生先生,MH,及一眾在場嘉賓,共同見證得獎者的努力成果。 本屆頒獎典禮共有158位銀章得獎者及37位長期服務義工榮獲嘉許。為減少社交接觸及保持社交距離,場地實施了一系列的防疫措施,並以小組形式順利完成頒獎典禮。 HKAYP the 100th Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 19 September at Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School. We are honoured to have our Guest of Honour, The Hon. Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, GBS, IDSM, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, to officiate our presentation. We appreciated Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, and other guests for witnessing the wonderful moments of our awardees. This year, there were 158 Silver awardees and 37 awardees of Certificate of Appreciation (3 & 7 years of service). To maintain social distance, a series of precautionary measures was implemented while the Award Presentation was finished in the form of groups. |
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AYP「圖出山野 中銀人壽慈善賽 2022」10月5日截止報名! AYP 一年一度的盛事 ──「圖出山野」中銀人壽慈善賽 2022 將於 2022 年 11 月 13 日(星期日)在新界東北舉行! 今年的比賽將加入嶄新元素,比賽當日會展示非物質文化遺產的傳統花牌及林村舞麒麟,務求令參加者一同感受喜慶的氣氛。此外,賽事獲得The Overlander, Montbell, Salomon, Chums及Pocari Sweat等品牌的贊助,勝出的隊伍更可獲贈豐富獎品!現時Rogaine反應熱烈,隊伍自9月初起紛紛踴躍報名。慈善賽將於10月5日截止報名,大家緊記把握最後的報名機會,一起組隊參加! 請踴躍報名!詳情請瀏覽網頁。 AYP’s annual event—BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2022 will be held on 13 November (Sunday) in the North East New Territories! New elements will be incorporated in this year’s race. For instance, intangible cultural heritage like flower plaque and Unicorn Dance will be exhibited to create a joyful atmosphere for participants. Also, our race will be sponsored by The Overlander, Montbell, Salomon, Chums and Pocari Sweat and other brands. Winners will receive fabulous prizes. Starting from September, the response of Rogaine has been overwhelming. The deadline of applying Rogaine will be 5 October, seize the chance and apply now! Welcome your entries and participation! Please visit this website for more details. |
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Postcards from Planet Possible: The Workshop 正式開始! AYP聯同National Geographic Creative Works,為太古基金「信望未來」贊助的「守護海洋」計劃,舉辦名為Postcards from Planet Possible: The Workshop 的技能科活動。首次活動已於9月25日在白泥圓滿結束。參加者透過濕地實地考察和修復蠔礁,了解更多與海洋生態相關的知識。 接下來的10月至12月,參加者將跟隨來自世界各地的「國家地理探險家」參與一系列與海洋淨化及生態相關的活動,並到Apple Store學習數碼藝術創作,反思人與自然的關係和增進兩者的連繫。作為此計劃的尾聲,參加者的數碼藝術作品將於香港管弦樂團及香港演藝學院音樂學院「管弦樂精英訓練計劃」合辦的演奏會上展出。 Sponsored by Swire Trust Tomorrow, AYP co-organises a Skills Section activity called “Postcards from Planet Possible: The Workshop” with National Geographic Creative Works under "Oceans Tomorrow" project. The first event was successfully finished on 25 September in Pak Nai. Through going field trips and restoring the oyster reefs, participants can have a better understanding of the ocean habitat. In the upcoming October to December, participants will follow National Geographic Explorers to experience an array of ocean purification and conservation activities. By creating digital artwork in an Apple store, we hope participants can reflect on the relationship between human and nature. Eventually, their digital artwork will be exhibited at the concert of The Orchestra Academy Hong Kong, co-organised by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the School of Music of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. |