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為配合本年度「然繫你我」的主題,獎勵計劃理事會團隊包括理事會主席郭永亮先生, JP,連同副主席彭穎生先生, MH、義務司庫馬清揚博士、理事會委員及委員會委員於6月12日及13日,與AYP其他持份者參與了兩項活動:AYP理事會Retreat及「然繫你我」晚宴。





In order to align with this year’s theme “ConNat You and Me”, two activities were held during 12 to 13 June. Our AYP Team, including Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Dr. Philip Ma Ching Yeung, Hon. Treasurer of Award Council, together with Award Council Members, Committee Members and AYP stakeholders, showed their participation in Award Council Retreat and “ConNat You and Me” Dinner Gathering.

The two events not only connect everyone and preview future programmes together, but also strengthen the cohesion of mutual communication and the effectiveness to promote youth work. On the day of the Retreat, Award Council team came to our Training Camp at Tai Po to prepare the five-year plan, and experienced camp facilities and newly emerged sports. At the “ConNat You and Me” Dinner, Honorary Advisers and Retired Council Members were invited to support and look ahead to the coming AYP events.

Review our happy moments:

Award Council Retreat

“ConNat You and Me” Dinner Gathering

「航行出狀元 航空夏日營202278日截止報名

由深水埗民政事務處及香港青年獎勵計劃合辦,余皓媛青年發展基金贊助的「航行出狀元 航空夏日營2022」將於8月15-16日(星期一至二)舉行。




With the sponsorship of Grace Yu Ho Wun Youth Development Fund, AYP will co-organise "Fly My Way Aviation Summer Camp 2022" with Sham Shui Po District Office from 15-16 August.

Through sharing of industry experts and onsite visits, the programme aims to let students from different backgrounds acquire fundamental knowledge of the aviation industry, understand industry prospects and prepare for future career planning.

The 2-day day camp welcomes students aged 16-18 from schools in Sham Shui Po to apply. It is free of charge and only 100 places are available. For more information and sign up, interested students may visit the link below. The recruitment deadline is 7 August (Fri).

Programme Details (Chinese only)

鄧慕蓮博士AYP團體生活科本地體驗營 「心.呼吸Feel Your Heart

由鄧慕蓮博士 AYP 國際交流活動基金贊助、InnoTier 心靈時尚贊助,香港青年獎勵計劃主辦的鄧慕蓮博士 AYP 團體生活科本地體驗營 「心.呼吸 Feel Your Heart」將於8月16至20日舉行。五日四夜的體驗營將結合「慢活」、「大自然」及「藝術」,為青年人提供一個喘息空間。參加者將透過沙畫、圓圈畫、心靈劇場及現代舞工作坊,學習釋放情緒、沉澱思緒和放緩步伐,逐步實踐慢活並減輕城市急促生活帶來的壓力。


Sponsored by Dr. Irene Tang International Exchange Programme Fund and InnoTier (Clothing Sponsor), "Dr. Irene Tang AYP Residential Project Camp - Feel Your Heart" will be held on 16-20 August. The 5 days 4 nights camp will include a varied range of art workshops, games and group activities that embrace the elements of "Downshifting", "Nature" and "Art", such as sand painting, circle painting, soul theatre and contemporary dance. It aims to relieve young people’s stress and provide them the opportunity to take a break from the fast-paced living style.

Click here for more details (Chinese only)

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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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