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AYP「圖出山野 中銀人壽慈善賽 2022」圓滿結束

闊別兩年,AYP「圖出山野 中銀人壽慈善賽 2022」實體賽事於11 月 13 日(星期日)假香港青年獎勵計劃賽馬會愛丁堡公爵訓練營圓滿結束。

今年賽事是一項慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十五周年的認可活動,並獲歷年最多青年人參與。大會邀請到民政及青年事務局副局長梁宏正先生,BBS, JP、香港青年獎勵計劃理事會主席郭永亮先生,JP、副主席彭穎生先生,MH以及中銀人壽執行總裁鄧子平先生,與一眾嘉賓和AYP 理事會成員一同主持鳴槍起步儀式,為參加者打氣。


HKAYP BOC Life Rogaine Charity Race 2022 was successfully held at HKAYP Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp on 13 November (Sunday).

This year, Rogaine is an accredited event celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with a record high participation of young people. Mr. Clarence Leung Wang Ching, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr. Andy Kwok Wing Leung, JP, Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice-Chairman of Award Council, Mr. Wilson Tang Chee Ping, Chief Executive of BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited, with other guests and Award Council Members attended the kick-off ceremony to encourage our participants in the race.

A traditional flower plaque was set up at our event centre. Participants enjoyed carnival games after the race. They all spent a cheerful weekend with us. Once again, congratulations to our winners and hope to see you guys soon!

直屬執行處 – 無伴奏合唱及泰拳課程現正招生!12月16日截止報名

直屬執行處的章級活動載譽歸來!明年一月,本會將舉辦泰拳班和無伴奏合唱班(A Cappella),讓青年人體驗多元化的活動,既可增值自我,又可完成章級旅程。



無伴奏合唱及泰拳課程 — 報名連結

Award Operating Authority (AOA) Section Courses are back. In the coming January, AOA will organise Muay Thai course and A Cappella course. We hope young people can experience diverse activities to development their strengths and achieve the Award after the course.

Our professional coaches will teach participants about the basic techniques of Muay Thai. Participants can burn fat, improve their physical fitness, endurance and willpower throughout the 2-hour exercise. They can also fulfil the requirements of Physical Recreation Section. Apart from this, our A Cappella course can equip students to gain basic singing techniques, developing their confidence and communication skills. They can also fulfil the requirements of Skills Section.

Limited quotas for both course, don’t miss the chance and click the link below for registration.

Muay Thai course and A Cappella course - Link here (Chinese Only)


AYP 已推出2021-22年度年報,記錄獎勵計劃資訊、活動掠影及精彩節目重溫,如60周年慶祝活動、金章頒獎典禮2021及青年戶外歷奇活動試行計劃等,歡迎大家線上瀏覽

AYP has released the latest 2021-22 annual report with our activities’ highlights including 60th Anniversary Celebration, Gold Award Presentation 2021, and Pilot Scheme on Youth Outdoor Adventure Training Activities. Browse online for more precious memories!


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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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