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AYP 2023-24年度主題— 想理想.創無限



AYP has launched a new theme - "More than imagination"! We aim to inspire young people to follow their dreams, encourage them to explore possibilities. This year, AYP will continue to hold various types of activities, including hiking, water sports and exploring the world, hoping to give young people more opportunities to explore their interests through their curiosity, imagine and pursue their dreams. As companions of young people, AYP will also provide different platforms and opportunities to assist them in achieving their aspirations, so that they can unleash their potential, breakthrough themselves, and create possibilities.

We will have a series of new decorations and activities online and offline soon, stay tuned!

銀章級野外鍛鍊科遠足導師訓練課程2023 Final Call!



Award Operating Authority (AOA) is going to co-organise a Silver Level Hiking Adventurous Journey Instructor Course 2023-24 with Schools Operating Authority (SOA). Experienced instructors will nourish participants’ teaching and risk-management skills through different lectures and workshops. There will also be simulation teaching and placement for them to apply their knowledge. After training & assessment, they might be appointed as Silver Level Hiking Adventurous Journey Instructors.

We welcome all participants who have strong physique, possess knowledge of hiking/orienteering, and love AYP, to sign up for the Hiking Instructor Training course. Let’s start a new adventurous journey with our young people!

活動詳情及報名表格 / Course Details and Online Registration:

民安隊少年團頒獎典禮 2023 和香港警察執行處 AYP 銅章頒獎典禮2023 順利舉行


5月6日,AYP很榮幸獲邀出席民安隊少年團舉行的「民安隊少年團頒獎典禮 2023」。典禮上,保安局副秘書長任向華先生與獎勵計劃理事會副主席及民眾安全服務隊少年團總指揮(助理處長)彭穎生先生,MH向29位銀章得獎者及77位銅章得獎者頒發證書,以嘉許他們努力的成果。

5月20日,香港警察執行處於警察體育遊樂會舉行銅章頒獎典禮2023,並由香港警務處行動處處長陳俊燊先生, PMSM及AYP理事會副主席彭穎生先生, MH 擔任主禮嘉賓,見證185位青年人獲得銅章的殊榮。典禮上同時亦嘉許一眾義務導師、最傑出學校支會和支會老師,以表揚他們的努力和付出。AYP期待各位得獎者繼續發掘自我潛能,挑戰下一個章級。

AYP attended Award Presentation Ceremony organised by CAS Cadet Corps and Hong Kong Police Operating Authority in May.

AYP was glad to be invited by CAS Cadet Corps to attend the ‘Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps Presentation Ceremony’ on 6 May. Mr. Yam Howard, Deputy Secretary for Security; Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice Chairman of AYP Award Council and Commander (Asst. Commissioner) of Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps presented certificates to 29 Silver and 77 Bronze Award Recipients at the ceremony.

Hong Kong Police Operating Authority also organised the Bronze Award Presentation Ceremony 2023 on 20 May. Mr. Johnson Chan Joon Sun, PMSM, Director of Operations of Hong Kong Police Force and Mr. Victor Pang Wing Seng, MH, Vice Chairman of Award Council witnessed 185 young people to receive the Bronze Award. The ceremony also recognised the Volunteer Instructors, outstanding school units and unit teachers for their hard work and dedication in promoting AYP. We hope that all recipients will continue to explore their potentials and challenge themselves for the next Award Level!


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No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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