AYP 60周年 與青年並肩
AYP Happy 60th Anniversary Stand by our Young People


Marking the 60th Anniversary in Hong Kong, the Award will continue to provide diversified services to
young people to equip themselves and embrace challenges ahead.



於AYP 60周年讓我們重聚!

Since 1961, there are over 82,000 participants achieved the Awards (as of December 2020).

If you are an Award holder, please share with us your award photos or recent selfie with your pin or certificate along with your thoughts and feedback, to let us understand how we can improve. You may also spread this message to your friends who are awardees.

Let’s reunite in this special occasion, AYP’s 60th Anniversary.

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- 連結愛丁堡公爵奬勵計劃網站
- 新增「青年發展」頁面,令你輕鬆掌握資訊及設有即時

- 集合了「營舍服務」、「圖出山野慈善賽」、「野外鍛

- 響應式網頁設計

- 無障礙網頁

- 新增「網上捐款」功能

We had launched new website of AYP in order to enhance your user experience! Let me introduce the new functions for you.

- Link to Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

- New ‘Youth Development’ page, easy to access of
  ‘Camp Service’ and instant chat box function

- All in one website: ‘Camp Service’, ‘Rogaine Charity
  Race’, ‘CRS’ and ‘Award Network’ for your easy review

- Web responsive to mobile and tablet

- Web Accessibility

- New online donation function

了解更多 Learn more 



Science, technology and innovation are crucial to transformative impact of global goals, according to United Nations forum. It inspires us to keep abreast of the rapidly technology change and motivates us to strive for innovative social services.

Thanks to CLP Power for CLP Smart Energy Award 2020 - Smart Technology Grand Award and Daikin ‘s generous technical support. It serves as great motivation and recognition for us to continuously integrate sustainable development goals into our facilities and youth development work.

由100 Women In Finance贊助、AYP主辦,為期一年的學生領袖訓練計劃Project ONE To Infinity已經在2020年12月舉行了網上結業禮!活動在圓滿落幕的同時,亦為參加者的生活展開了新一頁。50位來自20間中學的青年在疫情期間,仍透過網絡持續進行各項訓練,在個人成長、關愛社區及生涯規劃這三大主題上學習成為一位學生領袖。

參加者透過參與領袖訓練營及性格透視工作坊等,加強他們的自信心及溝通技巧,增加對社區的認識。藉著AYP 賣旗日及深水埗區青年創意藝墟DIY布袋慈善義賣等,在關愛社區的同時加強個人的策劃及領導能力。另一方面,參加者藉著體驗活動及工作坊,如生涯規劃網上研討會等,深入思考及規劃人生。

AYP寄望青年人透過Project ONE to Infinity了解自己的獨特性,敢於踏出第一步,並在計劃完結後持續自我探索,在生活中發光發亮。新一屆Project ONE to Infinity將於今年舉辦,招募更多青年挑戰自我!

Project ONE to Infinity, a year-long student leader training programme sponsored by 100 Women In Finance and organized by AYP, had held an online closing ceremony in December 2020! While the project completed successfully, it also turns a new page in the participants’ lives. 50 participants from 20 different secondary schools joined different activities in the programme. During COVID-19, they continue training to become student leaders through three main aspects, personal growth, community well-being and career development.

Through student leader training camp and personality dimensions workshop, young people obtained better self-understanding and personal development. They participated in various community services including AYP Flag Day and charity sale at Shum Shui Po District Creative Arts and Crafts Fair. In addition, they joined workshops like career planning webinar, to help them identify their interests and start life planning earlier.

Every young person is a special ONE. AYP hope young people to take ONE step to explore their potential. Please stay tuned with the new Project ONE to Infinity 2021!