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98th Silver Award Presentation under New Normal

第98屆銀章頒獎典禮已於2020年10月12日(星期一)假可風中學 (嗇色園主辦)圓滿舉行,是次頒獎典禮主禮嘉賓為政務司司長張建宗先生, 大紫荊勳賢, GBS, JP作主禮嘉賓,司長透過短片勉勵各得獎者繼續努力。典禮中由獎勵計劃理事會副主席郭永亮先生, JP頒發銀章奬狀,嘉許他們成功完成四科挑戰,並由獎勵計劃理事會主席羅仁禮先生, MH, JP向頒發服務感謝狀(3年及7年)予義工。受疫情影響,是次頒獎典禮以全新模式進行,得獎者於禮堂及多個班房分流,所有出席嘉賓需要遵守多項防疫及社交距離措施,務求使整個頒獎典禮於一個安全的環境下進行。

The 98th Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 12th October 2020 (Monday) at Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen). We are honoured to have The Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBM, GBS, JP, the Chief Secretary for Administration to be our Guest of Honour, and delivered an encouraging recorded speech to our awardees. Silver Award Certificates were presented by Mr. Andy Wing Leung KWOK, JP, Vice-Chairman of Award Council and Certificate of Appreciation (3 years and 7 years of services) were presented by Mr. Yan Lai LO, MH, JP, Chairman of Award Council. The presentation was specially designed to a totally different format under the new normal to ensure the arrangements were with Anti-COVID measures. Recipients were divided into small groups and all attending recipients and guests were maintaining social distancing throughout the whole event.

計劃已經開展了!第一階段內容,是以划艇和立划板結合而成嘅創新運動 – Row On Board (RoB) ,讓青年人透過累積運動教學及推廣經驗 ,從而掌握更多能力面對未來的挑戰。AYP有幸邀請到星級教練前香港奧運賽艇代表及東亞運「賽艇第一金」- 何劍暉 (暉姐)訓練青年RoB導師。

The programme kicks start! The first phase of this programme is riding on an emerging sport called Row On Board (RoB - A water sport combining rowing and stand-up paddle) to allow young people to master coaching and promotion technique . We’re so lucky to have former Olympic rower representative for HK and the first rowing champion in East Asian Games - Ms. Ho Kim Fai, Fay as our coach to train up those young RoB instructors.


My classmants and I feel confused when we are facing COVID-19. However, I gone through the challenges in my Silver Award journey, I have confidence and ability to face COVID-19. What I learnt from my Silver Award jounery is taking difficulties as your own opportunity, an opportunity to make yourself better!






“I am not good at speaking but I prove myself by taking actions.”

Formal education is already a challenge for non-verbal students with special needs. A double challenge for them to go through a non-formal education Award journey outside classroom. Mr. Fung Chun Yin from Caritas Resurrection School has double identities, both Silver Award recipient of 98th Silver Award Presentation and soon to be a Gold Award recipient. He has accomplished Gold Award assessments. He has successfully completed different level of award challenges with his own efforts, support and understand by peers and teachers. His achievement demonstrates his ability on breaking through his own inborn limitations, to grow and succeed, and become an empowered AYP Award Holder.


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