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為慶祝 AYP 60周年而舉辦的銅章級服務科「塗ART」社區義工服務已經順利完結。是次活動邀請到本地塗鴉藝術家 FEVER 教授參加者塗鴉文化與技巧,提升對塗鴉藝術的了解。最後,參加者更以服務形式為位於西貢的野外鍛鍊中心外牆塗鴉,培養服務社會、互助的精神。

To celebrate our 60th Anniversary, the Graffiti Workshop – AYP Bronze Level Service Section was successfully completed. Local Graffiti Artist – FEVER was invited to introduce graffiti to our participants and teach them painting and calligraphy techniques. At last, participants were gathered at the Expeditions Centre in Sai Kung and completed graffiti on walls. The program encourages them to engage in community work and promotes team spirit.

「與軍銅行」為銅章級參加者提供海、陸、空三個範疇的活動。於 8月16日,技能科活動「海事實務課程」為活動打開序幕。「海事實務課程」除了教授參加者海上知識外,亦會安排參加者到香港海事青年團的訓練船 Supertee 做訓練,機會實屬難得。「與軍銅行」的另一項技能科活動「航空知識課程」於 8月18日開始。香港航空青年團的導師教授各種航空相關資訊,並指導參加者製作 Walkalong Glider (室內滑翔機)。

AYP Walks Along with Corps provides a wide range of land-air-sea activities for Bronze Level participants. Skills Section - Maritime Knowledge Course, was started on 16th Aug 2021. Apart from teaching basic maritime knowledge, participants would visit the training ship of Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps – Supertee. Another Skills section - Aviation Course started on 18th Aug 201. Participants will learn aviation knowledge, and have a chance to make their own Walkalong Glider under the supervision of Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps instructor.

由世界衛生組織資助,香港青年獎勵計劃、香港女童軍總會及香港童軍總會合辦的「YOUTH WE 3ERVE」 青年心理健康大使計劃已進行得如火如荼。36位大使在不同的工作坊都表現積極,學習與心理健康有關的知識及為將來的服務作好準備。

The YOUTH WE 3ERVE Youth Mental Health Ambassador Programme has already launched. This programme is sponsored by the World Health Organization, co-organized by The Hong Kong Award for Young People, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and the Scout Association of Hong Kong. 36 ambassadors have shown their passion through different workshops and trainings to get prepared for future services.

Ms. Moraine Chan Ka Wai, member of AYP Publicity and Promotion Committee was invited to be our guest speaker. She shared her digital marketing experience with the ambassadors and help them design an upcoming marketing campaign to promote mental health.

專業非洲鼓導師孔逸嵐先生帶領大使透過音樂抒發情緒。Mr. Tommy Hung Yat Nam, Professional Djembe instructor taught the ambassadors to relieve stress through music.


Mrs. Monica Yau Ng Lai Tuen, Honorary Consultant of The Family and Group Practice Research Centre of CUHK was invited to be the guest speaker at mental health workshop. She shared information on emotions & mental health through interactive activities.

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