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AYP賣旗日於6月12日在港島區順利舉行! 雖然當日天氣不穩,但亦無損善長及義工的支持!衷心感謝各位捐款,一起推動青年工作。



PayMe (請掃瞄/匯入二維碼及在訊息欄內輸入捐款者姓名)

轉數快、電子銀行平台或自動櫃員機 (匯豐銀行 552-107229-001)

劃線支票 (抬頭寫上「香港青年獎勵計劃」)

查詢:2157 8630 - 傳訊及籌募部

AYP Flag Day was successfully held on 12th June 2021 in Hong Kong Island Region. Although the weather was not stable, donors and volunteers showed us great support. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you who support our youth work.

We cordially invite you to support us by becoming a Gold Flag donor. You may donate by the following ways and fill in the online donation form.

Donation methods

PayMe (Please scan QR code & enter donor’s full name in message box)

FPS, E-banking service or ATM (HSBC 552-107229-001)

Crossed Cheque (Payable to “The Hong Kong Award for Young People”)

Enquiry:2157 8630 - Communications and Fundraising

由世界衛生組織資助,香港青年獎勵計劃、香港女童軍總會及香港童軍總會合辦的「YOUTH WE 3ERVE」 青年心理健康大使計劃已正式展開。在為期14個月的計劃中,將提供一連串的心理健康工作坊和訓練,讓青年人了解自我價值、排解壓力。然後透過不同服務,讓青年人將負面影響化作正能量,服務更多青年人,同時喚醒大眾對心理健康的關注。

計劃的啟動禮已於2021年6月6日順利完成,並成功邀請香港青年獎勵計劃理事會主席羅仁禮先生, MH, JP、香港女童軍總會香港總監李細燕女士, BBS, JP以及香港童軍總會香港總監劉彥樑先生出席擔任主禮嘉賓。三位主禮嘉賓均鼓勵36位大使在未來一年努力裝備自己,為社會出一分力。

The YOUTH WE 3ERVE Mental Health Ambassador Programme has already launched. This programme is sponsored by the World Health Organization, co-organized by The Hong Kong Award for Young People, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and Scout Association of Hong Kong. In the following year, 36 ambassadors will undertake a series of mental health training and workshops, learning how to relieve stress and recognize their own value. After that they will take part in different service, serving other young people and help to arousing the public awareness on mental health.

The kick-off ceremony has been successfully held on 6th June 2021, and we are honored to have Mr. Lo Yan Lai, MH, JP, Chairman of the Award Council of The Hong Kong Award for Young People; Ms. Jeanne Lee, BBS, JP, the Chief Commissioner of The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and Mr. Joseph Lau, the Chief Commissioner of Scout Association of Hong Kong to be our officiating guests. They encouraged 36 ambassadors to equip themselves and contribute to the community with what they learnt.


The officiating guests Mr. Lau (left), Ms. Lee (middle) and Mr. Lo (right) putting their hand print on the fruits of the tree, representing the three organizations supporting young people and facing challenges together with them.


Participants are excited to learn new skills and knowledge to serve the community.

聯絡我們 Contact Us
No. 301 - 309, 3/F, Lai Kwai House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
電話 Tel: +852 2157 8610
電郵 Email: award@ayp.org.hk

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